Tumbleweed, Made in Russia

Kup kotalečega sena, ki ga vidimo v filmih o divjem zahodu, je vendarle rastlina.

(Slovenian above | English below)

Rastlina, ki je prisotna skoraj v vseh ameriških vesternih in je kot nekakšen simbol filmskega žanra o ameriškem divjem zahodu, je ruska. Gre za rastlino Salsola tragus, ki jo Američani imenujejo Tumbleweed in za katero nihče ne ve, kako je prišla v ZDA, predvidevajo, da z ruskimi imigranti.

Prvič je bila prvič opažena v Ameriki v oktobru 1880, ko je Oddelek za agrikulturo v Washingtonu prejel informacijo o nenavadni rastlini, ki se je začela pojavljati na podeželju Južne Dakote. Danes se nahaja skoraj povsod, saj seme te rastline potrebuje le malo vlage za rast in ena bilka lahko proizvede do 250.000 semen.

Rastlina zraste do 90 cm in dozori jeseni. Sunek vetra jo spusti na svobodo, kjer se v klobčič zvije in potuje po vetru, razpršujoč semena. In na tak način se izjemno hitro širi.


The plant that is present in almost every American Western and serves as a symbol of the film genre depicting the American Wild West is actually Russian. It is the plant Salsola tragus, known to Americans as Tumbleweed, and nobody knows exactly how it arrived in the United States, although it is presumed to have come with Russian immigrants.

It was first observed in America in October 1880 when the Department of Agriculture in Washington received information about an unusual plant that had started appearing in the countryside of South Dakota. Today, it is found almost everywhere, as the seeds of this plant require very little moisture to grow, and a single plant can produce up to 250,000 seeds.

The plant grows up to 90 cm tall and matures in the autumn. A gust of wind sets it free, and it rolls into a ball, traveling with the wind, dispersing its seeds. In this way, it spreads rapidly.

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Marina, poslednja sežgana čarovnica

Leta 1701 je cesarsko krvno sodišče začelo čarovniški proces proti Marini Češarek, mati šestih otrok. Po tednu dni ječe je še vedno trdila, da je nedolžna, zato se je prva sodba glasila, naj žensko posadijo na čarovniški stol in jo ponovno izprašajo. Po treh urah mučenja je priznala, da je čarovnica. — (Eng.) In 1701, the imperial blood court began a trial against Marina Češarek, a mother to six children. Despite maintaining her innocence the court sentenced her to sit on the witch’s chair and undergo further questioning. After three hours of torture, she ultimately confessed to being a witch.

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Življenje v duhu prejšnjega stoletja: 21. etnografska prireditev »Likof na taberhi«

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Štanjel: Biser na Krasu

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Družinska radost

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