Poseben kotiček sredi gozda

V gozdu Stražun se pod oznako številka sedem nahaja prav poseben kotiček, namenjen srečevanju sprehajalcev, ki v času obdarovanj so ga krasila prav posebna darila.

(Slovenian above | English below)

In the Stražun forest, under the number seven sign, there is a particularly special spot designed for encounters with walkers, adorned during gift-giving times with truly unique presents.

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Štanjel: Biser na Krasu

Štanjel, eno najstarejših naselij na Krasu, ki ga krasijo slikovite ozke ulice s kraškimi kamnitimi hišami, ki so terasasto razporejene, je bil poseljen že v prazgodovini, prvič pa se pisno omenja leta 1402. V času med svetovnima vojnama pa je Štanjelu vdahnil svojo vizijo arhitekt in tedanji župan Maks Fabiani. — (Eng.) Stanjel, town known for its picturesque, narrow streets and charming stone houses, which are arranged in terraces, has been inhabited since prehistoric times and was first documented in 1402. Štanjel was transformed by the architect and mayor Maks Fabiani, who left his mark on the town’s architecture.

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Magična jesen

Resnično je zlata, magična in najlepša, prelepa jesen. It truly is a golden, magical, and beautiful autumn. Sign up for The Newsletter delivered to your inbox, which includes exclusive feature stories, photography, reportages, columns, and more. Get it sent to your inbox. ⟡ WWW.ALMIRACATOVIC.COM

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Pravljična hiška in pet majhnih muckov

Maine Coon nekateri pravijo tudi Ameriška gozdna mačka. Izvira iz ZDA ter je ena izmed največjih in najstarejših pasemskih mačk na svetu. In še preden sem spoznala te prikupne kepice, me je popolnoma očarala pravljična hiška, ki sta si jo lastnika zasnovala in postavila sama. — (Eng.) The Maine Coon breed is also referred to by some as the American Forest Cat. It is one of the largest and oldest pedigree cat breeds. Even before I got to know these adorable bundles, I was completely enchanted by the fairytale house that the owners designed and built themselves.

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Dvorec Betnava in skrivnost Belega mesta

Čudovit dvorec na obrobju Maribora razkriva povezavo s keltsko boginjo plodnosti, območje, ki je bilo naseljeno že v prazgodovini in v rimskem odboju, pa omenja tudi ljudsko izročilo, ki pravi, da se tukaj nahaja pogreznjeno Belo mesto. — (Eng.)Nestled on the outskirts of Maribor, this splendid mansion unveils its connection to a Celtic fertility goddess. The area, inhabited since prehistoric times and during the Roman era, also mentions folklore, claiming that the sunken White City lies here.

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Življenje v duhu prejšnjega stoletja: 21. etnografska prireditev »Likof na taberhi«

V Muzeju na prostem Rogatec, največjemu muzeju ljudskega stavbarstva na slovenskem in kulturnem spomeniku državnega pomena, je potekal dogodek »Likof na taberhi«, 21. etnografska prireditev, ki je obudila življenje prednikov in skoraj pozabljena kmečka in rokodelska opravila ter tradicionalne dobrote. Prireditev je privabil obiskovalce iz celotne Slovenije. — (Eng.) The »Likof na taberhi« event took place at the Open-Air Museum Rogatec, the largest museum of folk architecture in Slovenia and a cultural monument of national importance. It was the 21st ethnographic event that revived the lives of ancestors and nearly forgotten rural and artisanal activities, along with traditional delicacies.

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